Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What You Seek, You Shall Find


Denise Scarbro returns to The Whirling Blog for 


 "It’s not about trying to turn something that you view as negative into suddenly being positive. It is about finding something else within it that does feel positive, and focusing on that." ~ Denise Scarbro

Click HERE to visit The Whirling Blog and read Denise Scarbro's article, What you Seek, You Shall Find, as well as the collection of inspiring articles written by other talented authors!

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To learn more about Gene-Manual and The Whirling Blog, Click HERE !

 "I'm in the process of understanding my place in this world and the best way to use my life and time here on this earth. Awakening. The works on paper featured on this site are proving to be my guides on this journey.  The Magicalized Portraits also bring joy, not only to myself, but to those who commission them for themselves or gifts.  It's an honor to do what I do and bring these images forth on the page." ~ Gene-Manuel

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