Monday, January 23, 2012

GOALS - A Development Activity

“What holds attention determines action,” William James

Why is it important to set goals?  It is important to set goals because in order to make something happen, we need to envision it with clarity!  What do you want?  Ask yourself, what would I go for if I could not fail?  Begin to shed the limitations you unconsciously have set for yourself.  Once you have determined what you want, practice feeling what it will be like when you achieve your goal.  Attaching a feeling to the goal makes it real.  Now mentally rehearse the feelings you will have once you achieve it….is it joy?  Happiness?  Relief?  Pride?  Remember, your desire to achieve that feeling is why you have this goal.  Actively focus on your goal, and be sure to rewrite your goals often.  

In order for a goal to hold our attention, it must inspire us.  Sometimes we are afraid to set goals because we are afraid of disappointment, or failure.  Failure is just an opportunity to redefine our goals.  We need to have flexibility to notice that as we move in the direction of our goals, there are sometimes more worthy goals that are revealed.  We need to be able to adapt, re-define, and restructure our goals.

There are different types of goals: personal development goals; career/economic goals; toys/adventure goals; contribution goals.  For the purpose of this discussion, we are focusing on career/economic goals.  To identify what specific goals make sense for you, begin by writing down what you want for your financial life.  How much money do you want to earn?  What position do you want to achieve?  Would you like to become a leader at your company?  What are your money management goals?  Do you want to double your income?  Maybe you are just concerned about balancing your checkbook?  What investments would you like to make?  Do you want to make a plan for your retirement?  Do you want a new car?  Take a vacation?  Maybe you just want to pay off your debt?  Decide what you want, and set your goals! 

In The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence, Dr. Robert Anthony makes a wonderful goal setting analogy (pg. 127).  He says setting a goal is like the steps required when buying a train ticket:

1.       Decide to get on the train. (CHOOSE YOUR GOAL)
2.      Choose the best possible route to get where you are going.  (THE RIGHT PLAN)
3.      Pay for the ticket. (BE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE FOR WHAT YOU WANT)
4.      Get on the train. (GET INTO ACTION)

Just as you need to establish what your goals are, you also need to DECIDE that you are going to accomplish them.  You need to make a commitment to your goals.  You must set goals that are important to you, and then you need to identify the steps necessary to accomplish them.  What can you do NOW that will move you toward your goal?  What kind of positive action will lead you to the attainment of the goal? 

To better understand the steps it will take to accomplish your goal, try using a flowchart method and work backwards through the steps needed to achieve the goal. 

Example:  Put your goal in the top box, and ask yourself, “What needs to happen to make this happen?”  Now break down all of the action steps necessary in the next level of boxes.  What needs to happen to make that level of boxes happen?  Continue to break down all of the action steps necessary in the next level of boxes.  Once you have broken down the action plan to the lowest level, you know exactly where to start and exactly what needs to happen!  You have created “mini goals” to help you reach your main goal.

We must clearly see and FEEL the value each step has to achieve the goal.  In Anthony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within, he says, “The process of setting goals works a lot like eyesight.  The closer you get to your destination, the greater clarity you gain, not only in the goal itself, but the details of everything around it” (pg. 275).

If you do not have any goals, then you must be exactly where you want to be right now.  However, if you want things to change, you have to decide to make things change.  If you decide not to change things, you are saying that you would rather be in the situation you are in than pay the price to change.  Take the time to set goals for yourself.  First, understand what it will take to accomplish your goals, and then focus on each step and work to reach your goal.  If you want something….go get it!